
  • There is a one-time registration fee of SGD35.
  • All learning materials from the teacher are provided FREE of charge.
  • The minimum hours required for us to set up a program is 4 hours.
  • For purchases above 20 hours, 20-hour rate applies. For purchases below 4 hours, 4-hour rate applies.
  • Do read our Terms and Conditions that covers Class booking, Lateness, Absence, Replacement classes, Homework, Refund policy, Use-by date, etc.
  • Below fees are not applicable for the French in lieu of Mother Tongue (MTL) program (Singapore).
  • Our base currency is SGD (Singapore Dollars). Fees listed in other currencies are for Reference only; they can be amended from time to time to reflect the equivalent amount in SGD. 
  • The prices listed below are for Private Classes (1:1).
  • Fees for Semi-Private Classes (2 students in a class):
    – 2 (two) students in a class= (listed price + 60% of listed price) / 2
  • Fees for Group Classes (3 or more students in a class):
    – 3 or more students in a class= (listed price + 50% of listed price) / 3

Private Tuition Fees (BEGINNER LEVEL: A1~A2)

Exams: IB Ab Initio, IGCSE, GCSE, DELF A1, DELF A2, TCF, TEF, etc


4 hours S$40 S$160
10 hours S$35 S$350 S$50
20 hours S$30 S$600 S$200



For payment using Paypal or Credit Card, there is an extra 5.4% charge on the tuition fees above. This 5.4% is what is charged by Paypal and Credit Card companies as THEIR service fees, so WE do not cash this extra amount. 


Private Tuition Fees (INTERMEDIATE LEVEL: B1~B2)

Exams: IB French B SL, GCE O Level, DELF B1, DELF B2, INSEAD, TCF, TEF, etc

4 hours S$45 S$180
10 hours S$40 S$400 S$50
20 hours S$35 S$700 S$200



For payment using Paypal or Credit Card, there is an extra 5.4% charge on the tuition fees above. This 5.4% is what is charged by Paypal and Credit Card companies as THEIR service fees, so WE do not cash this extra amount. 


Private Tuition Fees (ADVANCED LEVEL: C1~C2)

Exams: IB French B HL, GCE A Level, DALF C1, DALF C2, TCF, TEF, etc

4 hours S$50 S$200
10 hours S$45 S$450 S$50
20 hours S$40 S$800 S$200



For payment using Paypal or Credit Card, there is an extra 5.4% charge on the tuition fees above. This 5.4% is what is charged by Paypal and Credit Card companies as THEIR service fees, so WE do not cash this extra amount. 



  1. Students joining a group class should be of similar levels and with similar learning objectives.
  2. At the moment, we only set up semi-private and group classes for siblings and couples for easy scheduling.
  3. Students who wish to learn in a group need to come up with their own group.
  4. For the group class, students can either log in from one or more computers or locations.
  5. If students log in from different computers and locations, our teacher might have to use only Audio (and not Video) for a clearer and more stable connection.


Last updated: 17 April 2022.